About Us
The Fancy Chicken Farm Company exists to provide fellow flock owners with high quality (organic/non-GMO) feed, expertise in chicken husbandry and to promote backyard flocks in our community.
Hi ya’ll! We’re Chelsey and Ray from The Fancy Chicken Farm Company, LLC. The idea for this business started brewing in my (Chelsey’s) head a couple years ago when our favorite hen, Agent Carter, was ill. I was desperate to give her the best chance of survival I could. And, so began the hunt for a high quality organic feed.
Unfortunately, the Northern Kentucky area is severely limited in organic chicken feed choices so I decided it was time to do something about it… and so The Fancy Chicken Farm Company was born! Not only do we offer high quality feed, treats and supplies, we also offer our expertise and dedication to the long term health of our fellow poultry owners’ flocks.