It’s Fall Y’all!

Starbucks is now offering their infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte and Panera Bread has released my personal favorite of their fall menu – Autumn Squash Soup. Nothing says fall like pumpkins and squash… am I right? But, what about our chickens??? What says fall for them?

If your chickens are anything like ours, nothing says fall for them better than a good old-fashioned, ugly, panic-inducing molt (when they lose their feathers and regrow them back again). Oh yes… You walk down to the coop and see feathers, nothing but feathers EVERYWHERE. It looks like a feather pillow exploded in the coop and run.. Then you see it… a half naked chicken running around! Mystery solved: your chickens are molting. So, now what?

The mass amount of feathers on the ground


Feathers are approximately 90% protein, which means that it takes quite a bit out of your birds. The following are some ways to make the re-feathering process easier for them:


Quite possibly the easiest way, and certainly your chickens’ favorite way, to increase their protein intake is by giving them mealworms/grubs. One of my favorites to give them is Cluckin’ Good Grubs from Scratch & Peck, which they devour instantly. If you’re not super excited about touching bugs, you can always try Hentastic Mealworm and Oregano Chicken Treats (COMING SOON!).

Grower Feed

Some flock owners choose to switch over to grower feed when their birds start to molt, as it contains extra protein. You may choose to mix this with their layer feed or give grower feed only. If you choose to switch over to grower only, I would highly suggest offering oyster shell free choice. Despite a disappointing lack of egg production during this season, you may still get an egg here and there, plus it’s better to already have it out there for when they do resume laying.

Mixing Your Own Concoction

One of the things I love to do is mix up “special food” for them. Usually this consists of their regular feed mixed with applesauce, peanut butter, mealworms, and, depending on the weather, hot water. Mix it up really good and watch them devour it!